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Terms and conditions

Trials are conducted to assess player skill levels and place them in appropriate teams.

Players are evaluated on four components that make up a Soccer player;

   1. Technique

   2. Fitness and Athletic Ability

   3. Tactics

   4. Attitude

The number of trial sessions required will be determined by the selection panel.

Trials may not be required for some age groups.
During the season players may be moved up or down depending on performance, commitment, training attendance or player availability.

Team numbers may vary depending on the age group and level of player commitment. Players unable to attend trials due to school camp or other activities will be placed in a team based on their previous commitment and performance.


Players will be advised of their teams during pre-season. Team managers are required for all teams. Once appointed the manager will distribute all team information and will be the direct contact for the team.


Teams playing in each age group in the highest section will be as competitive as possible. Player rotation during the game remains the coaches' prerogative. There is no guarantee of equal time for all players.
Age groups in which we only have one squad will also be as competitive as possible. The strongest available team will be selected for matches. Player rotation during the game remains the coaches prerogative. There is no guarantee of equal time for all players.

In all other teams' rotation is prescribed. It is impossible to provide all players with equal game time.
From time to time parents will be rostered on to do specific duties. It is the responsibility of the rostered parents to ensure that they are available to complete their rostered task.


Take your training seriously. Be ready to start training at the required time, be appropriately dressed and give 100% effort. Disruptive behaviour is unacceptable and may result in the offending player having to sit out during training and missing matches. Players who do not attend training may start on the bench or be rostered off.


It is expected that all players that register to play at our club will attend pre-season and season training. If you are aware that you are unable to attend training or play in matches due to other extracurricular activities, reconsider your participation in soccer this year.


Please note that registration does not guarantee a place in a team. Trials still need to be attended and numbers determined per team before placements can be decided and announced.


Your inability to commit to training and match play is disruptive. It puts pressure on players from other teams to help your team out during matches, increases the burden on managers/coaches and results in forfeited matches.
Players that do not attend or do not excuse themselves from training may have limited game time.


Soccer is a winter outdoor sport and training and matches are played in all weather conditions including rain. However, in the event of lightening no play will be permitted.

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